About mdrk Consulting

Mdrk Consulting is a small boutique consulting firm, that listens first, thinks and collaborates with clients, and acts promptly, providing end-to-end data-driven measurable analytics and software solutions to clients.

Our solutions stem from an informed approach to incorporate disparate data, and the right technology creating an information loop that enables our clients to achieve the critical business objectives — our credo is relevant Data, efficient Design, and making Difference.

We are currently working with clients in audience research, targeting and measurement, retail and consumer analytics, and media and advertising.


We have capabilities and solutions for Brand/Retailer Switching, Trip Sequencing, Leakage Analysis, Brand/Retailer Affinity, Customer/Audience segmentation, Fraud Analysis, Market basket analysis, and robust statistical solutions like campaign design and measurement, sample calibration, and media mix modeling. We have extensive expertise in statistical and econometric methods encompassing areas of RTC, GLM, ML techniques, and survey analytics. Our core competencies are built on years of innovative data-driven business solutions driving client KPIs in many verticals.

One key offering of mdrk Consulting is to help our clients have access to data vendors, analytics software, and platforms (preferably, cloud-based, and open source) and build solutions whose applications are industry/vertical agnostic. We have full-stack analytics solutions including database, visualization, analytical tools, and machine-learning capabilities, all under the same hood.mdrk has partnered with a few of the young and dynamic analytics platform providers in the space and has built products and analytic solutions for clients like Triad Retail, IAB, WPP/Xaxis, Demandlytix, Lucid, Littlebits, Innovid, Varick, WiT Media, Geopath, and few others consulting agencies.